Join us every Saturday morning.
9:30 am - Group Bible Study
11:00 am - Family Worship Service
The whole family can be involved in learning and growing spiritually. We have an active young-adult, teen and primary department.

Logan Reserve SDA Church hosts a LIVE weekly service at 11:00 am.
Join us for Bible Study / Sabbath School at 9:30-10:30 am with special classes for adults, children, youth, and teens.
Visitors are WELCOME to attend anytime!
Watch weekly sermons LIVE at 11:00 am QLD time Saturday on the link below, or watch sermons on-demand here:
Programs run in QLD Australia local time.
Sabbath schools are operating LIVE at 9:30 am for adults, children, youth and teens. You are WELCOME to join us for a lively Bible discussion with one of our small groups! Just ask our friendly greeters to direct you.
What's on at Logan Reserve?

Weekly Programs For all the Family
Logan Reserve Church family is a thriving group of young families and youth. We love to welcome visitors - please join us.
9:30 am QLD time: Main Service - Gospel Message to encourage you and strengthen your walk with Christ
9:30 am Youth group
9:30 am Kids songs, Bible stories, craft (all ages)
9:30 am Adult small group Bible discussions around the church grounds.

Bible Discussion & Prayer Groups
Prayer Meeting
7:00 pm Wednesday - Prayer Meeting with Pr Rajko. Join us in the church hall each Wednesday night as we focus on the book of Revelation and what it means for us at this time in earth's history. For more information, contact Pr Rajko 0497 299 449
Youth Weekly Bible Study
Youth meet weekly at Eldjie and Claude's house for Bible study and a light dinner. Contact Eldjie for the address: 0404 406 474
Ladies Weekly Bible Study
In-depth small group Bible study on various Bible topics at Logan Reserve Church on the 2nd and 4th Sabbath of the month @ 1:00 pm hosted by Georgina Marriot.
Tuesday Prayer Meetings 10:00 am: Prayer and study of God's word. You will be BLESSED and UPLIFTED at the church. For more info, contact Kathy Gobbert 0427 276 188

Youth Pathfinder Club
Pathfinder Club age 10 - 15 years
Meets fortnightly on Saturday afternoon. This club is where kids learn teamwork, build meaningful friendships, earn awards, and experience God and nature in a meaningful way. They learn to look for the good in others, uphold community values, and love and respect their families. In addition to regular club meetings, they go on awesome camp-outs 4 times a year, and learn practical outdoor skills.
Want to know more about Pathfinders?

Adventurers Kids Club
The Adventurer club meets together once a month on Saturday afternoon. Adventurer Club for boys and girls is ALIVE with fun and excitement! Songs, craft, friends, excursions, community service, and learning about God's love through the Bible and nature.
Want to know more about Adventurer Club?

Men's Connect Group
Life can be challenging, but with God "all things are possible". Join a dynamic weekly Bible discussion to find strength in God's Word and encouragement from others. Monday night, 7 pm lead by Vlad Steljic. Come to the LIVE event, or attend via ZOOM.
Contact Vlad for the address or Zoom link: 0438 312 131

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